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What am I going to learn in Art?

Year 1 - Colour

During this unit, the children will learn about primary and secondary colours, warm and cool mixing techniques and brush control.

Year 2 - Colour, shape and texture

During this unit, the children will use Matisse's work and are introduced to the idea of complementary colours and the idea of composition. The children also learn how artists use colour and marks to create texture in their work.

Year 3 - Line

During this unit, the children will look at how artists use sketch books and use different kinds of lines and drawing materials. They will learn about how to vary line weight to show shape, tone and texture. By the end of the unit, the children will create a print using Hokusai as inspiration.

Year 3/4 and 4 - Light

This unit will teach the children how artists use different tone to show how light hits an object. The children will also use acrylics to paint a still life and show form. 

Year 5 - Style

During this unit the children consider how artists use different techniques to alter their style by looking closely at brushwork. They go on to compare the style of rococo and modernism, and then looking at the abstract art in the 20th century.

Year 5/6 and 6 - Renaissance architecture and sculpture

Linear perspective is revisited in this unit and the children focus on the dome of the Florence cathedral. They also study the carved scuplture of 'David' and compare sculpture in relief and in the round. They then undertake an extended project to develop their skills with clay.