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Eastgate Academy RSHE and PSHE Curriculum

Ellen Stratton

RSHE as a subject, teaches children about the different physical, social and emotional aspects of growing up, relationships and sexuality. It aims to provide pupils with the skills and knowledge they need to have safe, fulfilling relationships, take responsibility for their sexual health, and feel secure and happy in their sexuality. It also helps them to develop resilience, independence and self-esteem.

RSHE helps to prepare children for changes like puberty and the transition into adult life. In schools, it can serve to provide a secure environment where pupils can feel comfortable asking questions they might not want to ask elsewhere. Through RSHE, children can learn to better understand their needs, respect the needs of others, and improve their overall confidence.

Opening the conversation on RSHE topics can start by teaching children about relationships, friendships, family and the different kinds of people who can support them. This can start in early education when children begin to learn about taking turns, treating others with kindness and respect, the importance of being honest and truthful, as well as the importance of personal privacy.

What is the RSHE Curriculum ?

As of 2020, relationships and sex education in primary schools is now a statutory subject, alongside Health Education. Schools are also advised to provide a relevant, appropriate sex Education curriculum in the UK as part of their whole school PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) curriculum.

To prepare children for embracing the challenges of a happy and successful adult life, we need to give them the knowledge that helps them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships. This is why the sex education curriculum in the UK is so important.

All schools must have an up-to-date Relationships and Sex Education policy that is available for parents, carers and others to view. For primary schools, this policy must:

  • Define RSHE.
  • Set out the subject content, how it is taught and who will be responsible for teaching it.
  • Have information that clarifies why parents do not have a right to withdraw their child.