School Uniform
Please ensure every piece of uniform is named.
- Mandatory blue jumper, blue fleece jacket or blue cardigan with the mandatory school logo. Purchased from Stratfords.
- Optional black Blazer with school logo in Year 5 and 6 pupils, purchased from Stratfords.
- White shirt, not a polo shirt
- Mandatory School tie to be purchased from Stratfords
- Black trousers
- Black or dark grey skirt
- Blue and white summer dress
- Black, sensible shoes or all black trainers
- Bluebook bag with the school logo, all new pupils receive their first book bag free
- High heels are not permitted: sensible, plain black shoes or trainers must be worn by both boys and girls. Black jeans and leggings are not permitted in day-to-day uniform. All items of clothing and footwear must be labelled with the pupil’s name.
Our uniform supplier is Stratford’s where you can buy direct at the following address:
Unit 6 Hamburg Way
North Lynn Industrial Estate
Kings Lynn
PE30 2ND
Opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 4.30pm.
Stratford’s hold all uniform items in stock and can deliver to Eastgate free of charge when payment is made, delivery to a home address has a carriage charge. Payment can be made by phone or through their website by card.
Eastgate PE Kit
Our school PE kit is as below:
Indoor Kit
Plain white polo shirt
Black shorts
Plain, suitable trainers or black pumps - Trainers – these are needed to support your child’s feet and ankles when playing games. Plimsolls or canvas slip on shoes will not support your child’s feet and ankles. They can be easily kicked off injuring other children.
Black tracksuit bottoms
Black zipped hoody or sweatshirt
Swim costume/trunks (no bikinis)
For photo examples, please see Uniform Policy below.