Great news - kingfishers achieve 100% attendance.
Last week, our Puffins and our Kingfishers classes both achieved over 97% attendance by Thursday morning's registration and have achieved our weekly sweet treat breakfast award. The children in these 2 classes will enjoy their treat breakfast this Friday morning. This is the second week running that Puffins have won the breakfast award. Puffins are doing a great job. Kingfishers have won the breakfast award for 3 consecutive weeks. What an amazing achievement.
Unfortunately for Puffins, the Kingfishers class have just pipped them at the post with their fantastic 100% attendance for the entire week, and therefore haven't won a non-uniform day. Better luck next time Puffins.
Fantastic achievement for the kingfishers though, who secured 100% attendance for the entirety of last week. For their reward, the children in the Kingfishers class are invited to attend school this Friday, 21st March, wearing casual clothing. No uniform is required. By achieving 100%, they had the choice from 3 additional reward choices and the children voted in class this morning and chose an afternoon of playing games together. Therefore, on Friday, children are invited to bring in a toy/non-electronic game from home to enjoy playing with their classmates. Weather permitting, they may also have the opportunity for an extra afternoon playtime.
Congratulations Kingfishers on this achievement and for also being in pole position on both our academic year and our termly attendance leader boards. Kingfishers class are definitely setting the attendance bar very high.