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Attendance news

Attendance reward winners for the week commencing 23.09.24

During the week commencing 16th September we are pleased to report we had 5 classes winning our weekly breakfast reward.  They were our Puffins, Doves, Kingfishers, Penguins & Magpies classes.  

On the morning of Friday 27th September, the children in these 5 classes will all receive their sweet treat breakfast of either an iced chocolate oatcake or a rocky road biscuit.  Sounds yum!

Three out of the five classes went on to secure a non-uniform reward.  Puffins, Doves & Magpies classes.  The children in these three classes are invited to attend school this Friday, 27th September, wearing casual clothing.  No school uniform is required. 

Well done everyone, keep up the good work.