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weekly Attendance update

Four classes win attendance rewards for week commencing 17th June, 2024. 

Last week there were four classes that won rewards for their class attendance.  By Thursday morning's registration. Puffins, Kingfishers, Penguins & Owls classes had all achieved 97% attendance and will be rewarded with our weekly sweet treat breakfast award. 

Kingfishers & Owls then went on to secure 98% attendance by the end of the week and, for their reward, the children in these 2 classes are invited to attend school this Friday, 28th June, wearing casual clothing - no uniform is required. 

Our Majestic Cinema attendance incentive has now finished.  We have had a fantastic result with 156 pupils securing their place on the trip, which will take place on Monday 8th July.  The children will go to watch Despicable Me 4. 

Letters, with full details, will shortly be emailed out to all those parents whose children have successfully achieved 100% during the period 22.04.24 through to 21.06.24. 

Thank you once again for all your support with our school attendance.