Four classes won attendance rewards during week commencing 8th May 2023
By Thursday morning's registration Kingfisher, Penguins, Magpies & Owls classes had all achieved 97% or above and will be rewarded with our tasty breakfast award this Friday morning. Well done to these four classes.
Penguins and Magpies classes then went on to achieve 100% attendance for the entire week and have won the following rewards:-
On Wednesday 17th May - Penguins can come to school in non-uniform (please remember the class will still have their morning swimming lesson) and will enjoy an off-timetable afternoon watching a film. The children can also bring in sweets/snacks to enjoy whilst they watch the film with their classmates.
On Friday 19th May - Magpies can come to school wearing non-uniform. For their extra reward for achieving 100% the class have voted to have an indoor/outdoor afternoon of playing games. This will take place on the afternoon of Friday 26th May.