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Weekly Catch Up

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  • Week Beginning 5/2/24

    Published 07/02/24, by Claire Gosling

    Another lovely, busy week in Eagles class! Highlight of the week was a visit from the fire service, who taught us how to call the emergency services and fire safety rules.

    In Literacy, we have been writing instructions to make a recycled instrument.

    In Maths, we have looked at problem solving. Next week, we have some visitors to teach us all about money.

    In Outdoor Learning, we created some transient art based on the sort of foods Ossiri might have eaten around the campfire. We had some fantastic creations, from soups and stews to fried scones!

    In Science, we investigated conductors and insulators. Ask your child if they can explain the difference!

    In RE, we learnt the Easter story, and discussed symbols of New Life.

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  • Week beginning 29.1.24

    Published 31/01/24, by Claire Gosling

    Year two have had an exciting week finishing our learning about Ossiri and the Bala Mangro. We are busily learning the skills we need to write some instructions. Here is an outline of all our learning:


    Literacy: learning about instructions and how to write these. We have made recycled instruments which we will write about next week.

    Maths: we are learning to add using column method. We are working out what to do when the numbers are bigger than 9 in each column.

    Art: We added backgrounds to our self-portraits.

    History: we are continuing to learn about the Tudors.

    RE: we learnt about Baptisms and what they mean.

    Science: following on from our excellent circuit building, we learnt to draw a scientific diagram of a circuit and label this.

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  • Week Beginning 22.1.24

    Published 25/01/24, by Claire Gosling

    Eagles have been very busy this week!

    In Art, we continued with our self-portraits and added facial features and hair.  We used our colour mixing skills to apply different shades and tones.

    In Literacy, we have continued to work on Ossiri and the Bala Mengro, learning about musical instruments that are played in the Traveller Community.  We have also been learning about imperative verbs and sentence structure.

    In Maths, we have been developing our subtraction skills using the column method.

    In computing, we designed our own algorithms to make the frog turn into a prince.  

    In History, we learnt about the English Reformation and the Dissolution of the Monasteries under the rule of King Henry VIII

    In Science, we learnt about electrical circuits and had lots of fun building our own and working out how to get the light bulb to turn on.


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  • Week Beginning 15.1.24

    Published 18/01/24, by Claire Gosling

    Eagles class have been busy this week, getting stuck into our new topics.

    In art, we have begun learning to create self portraits. We spent some time discussing facial features and how to draw these to scale.

    In Science, we have learnt how to be safe around electricity. We learnt about the potential risks and how to avoid these.

    In Literacy, we have discussed Ossiri and how her life is different to ours, living in a travelling community.

    In Maths, we have learnt to subtract using an exchange. We have used column method to do this and Mrs Gosling is very impressed with how well we did!

    In History, we have been learning about King Henry VIII and his six wives.

    In Computing, we have been learning about algorithms and programming our own Princess and the Frog.

    Plus some of the Tudor Roses we created in Outdoor Learning.

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  • Week Beginning 8/1/24

    Published 11/01/24, by Claire Gosling

    Happy new year!

    We had a fantastic time at our school trip this week, visiting Lynn Museum to learn all about The Tiger Who Came To Tea.


    Eagles class have started our new topics. We are learning:

    Maths - adding and subtracting, using column method. The children are using equipment such as base ten and counters to support this.

    Literacy - we are learning about the story of Ossiri, a young girl from a travelling family. We are thrilled to have been lent lots of lovely books to support us with this.

    History - we are learning about the Tudors.

    Science - we are learning about electricity. This week we looked at which items use a battery and which use mains power.

    RE - we are learning about beginnings and endings. This week we thought about any new beginnings we have experienced, such as moving house.

    Outdoor Learning is linked to our history this half term.

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  • Week Beginning 18/12/23

    Published 20/12/23, by Claire Gosling

    Eagles class discussed what Christmas is all about. Here are some of their beautiful answers:

    Christmas is all about love.

    It's about giving presents to people we love like our family.

    It's about having fun and playing games with my family and my friends at school.

    We have fun times at school like the singing.

    When we celebrate Eid we have new dresses and go to our place to worship.

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  • Week Beginning 11.12.23

    Published 14/12/23, by Justina Snow

    Eagles class enjoyed their Christmas Dinner today.  We had roast Turkey and all the trimmings, crackers and Christmas songs.  Eagles staff joined their class to celebrate together.


    We then had a Christmas Party and shared lots of traditional Christmas party games, including a game of Santa Whispers, Pin the Nose on Rudolph, Santa Says, Snowball Racing with cotton wool balls, chopsticks and a bowl on our heads, and some games of 'Don't drop the Penny'.

    Everybody had lots of fun.

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  • Week Beginning 27.11.23

    Published 30/11/23, by Claire Gosling

    Eagles class have been making Christmas tree decorations. We used the hand drills to make holes in wood circles, before designing them.

    We have been working hard at writing our poems this week. 

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  • week Beginning 20.11.23

    Published 22/11/23, by Claire Gosling

    We have continued to work really hard on our learning this week in Eagles class. We are also practising hard for our Nativity, concentrating on learning our lines and our songs. Busy, busy!

    Maths: we have been working on adding a two digit and one digit number together, but this time crossing tens. We have learnt to exchange ten ones for a ten.

    Literacy: we have learnt alliteration, rhyme and noun phrases this week, ready to start writing our own poems next week.

    Geography: we have planned our own route.

    DT: we created a face shape stencil and used this to cut out a fabric face.


    Things to remember: read your reading book every day, practice your Nativity lines.


    Eagles class team.

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  • Week Commencing 30.10.23

    Published 02/11/23, by Claire Gosling

    Eagles have come back to school with brilliant enthusiasm for learning. We have begun our new topics which are as follows:

    Maths - we are working on addition and subtraction, working with one and two-digit numbers.

    Literacy - our new topic is poetry. We have begun listening to, performing, and writing our own poems. Here is our first attempt: we are very proud of it!

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  • w/c 16.10.23

    Published 18/10/23, by Claire Gosling

    Eagles class have enjoyed lots of different learning this week. We cannot believe it has already been one half term together. All of the children have settled into year 2 beautifully and we are so proud of their hard work.

    In Art this week we have looked at texture. We enjoyed drawing some different items of clothing and fabrics, seeing if we could show the texture of the item.

    In Maths, we have learnt how to add numbers together. Some of us looked at adding two and one-digit numbers together, and some of us revised how to add two one-digit numbers together. We used bead strings to help us.

    We also looked at how the numbers are ordered up to 100. We played 'first to 100', and were very competitive!

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  • week commencing 9.10.23

    Published 11/10/23, by Claire Gosling

    Eagles class have had a busy week this week.

    In Art, we have finished our cut out compositions, inspired by Henri Matisse. Mrs Gosling was particularly impressed with the careful way the children placed their shapes, some of them making patterns and others designing scenes such as a sunset.

    In History we have learnt how the Romans changed Britain. We turned into news reporters and gave a Newsround report to our friends about this.

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