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Week Beginning 24.06.24

Congratulations to the Star of the week this week, and to those who passed their tackling tables tests.  All students have received a certificate to celebrate their achievements. 


This week the Rotary Club kindly arranged to come into Eastgate and deliver a design and technology morning for Canaries class. The session was aimed at teaching the children about civil engineering, and getting them to use their skills and ideas to design and create an animal crossing to go over a busy pathway in an animal sanctuary. 

The children worked in groups of 4 and, using the materials supplied, had to investigate and design their animal crossing, using lots of trial, error and perseverance. 

The children were engaged quickly, and loved coming up with different ideas that would benefit the animal sanctuary, including making sure that bins were provided to ensure a safe and green natural habitat for squirrels. 

The children show-cased their team building skills, sharing ideas and how they could overcome any challenges they faced with.

Each team then evaluated their animal crossing, listing the challenges they faced, how they overcame them, what went well and what they would do differently next time. We finished the session with a presentation from each group showcasing what they had created. The children were all awarded a certificate for their hard work.

The final products are as follows:


Canaries would like to thank the team from the Rotary Club for kindly providing the resources and for their expertise. A fantastic morning which was enjoyed by all.