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Week Beginning 13.1.25

Check out our fabulous artwork!

Star of the Week

Handwriting Star


We have been learning all the different ways to make the 'au' sound.


Puffins have been exploring different architecture. This week we looked at St Pauls Cathedral. We did our own line drawings of the building. Puffins worked really hard to add as much detail as they could to their sketches.


Our new unit this half-term is 'Kings, Queens and Leaders'. This week we learnt that the UK has a long history of being ruled by kings and queens. We discussed our current King, (King Charles III) and watched some of his coronation. We investigated the special items a king has, such as a crown, a sceptre, a ring and an orb.


We have been learning how to use number lines to solve addition problems.

Things to Remember:

Homework: Read to an adult every night.

Tuesday: PE and library.

Best Wishes, Mrs Mac, Louise and Amy