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Attendance Reward Winners!

We are pleased to share that we had four classes who are celebrating success for their attendance levels last week. 

These are our Doves, Kingfishers, Magpies & Owls classes.  

These four classes will all be receiving doughnuts, in addition to their usual breakfast menu, this Friday morning.  We hope they all enjoy their sweet treat reward. 

Doves, Kingfishers & Magpies classes unfortunately didn't quite hit the attendance level they needed to secure a non-uniform day. 

Owls class did achieve over 98% for their weekly attendance and will be rewarded with a non-uniform day which they are invited to take this coming Thursday, 27th March.  On this day, children are welcome to attend school wearing casual clothing; no uniform is required.  Well done Owls.  Keep up the good work. 

With regard to our Majestic Cinema incentive, we have one further week remaining before this finishes.  Parents will be informed of their child's success after the Easter break. 

Remember, you have to be in, to win.