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New Attendance Incentive.

We are pleased to announce that our next pupil specific attendance incentive will start next Monday, 3rd February.

Every single child has the opportunity to secure their place on the trip to the cinema to see the new Minecraft movie, which is due to be released later this year. In order for your child to secure their place, they must achieve 100% attendance between the dates of Monday 3rd February through to Friday 4th April. 

Unfortunately, any unauthorised late marks will count as an absence.

All successful children will attend the Majestic Cinema to see the film after the Easter holidays.

We hope as many pupils as possible secure their place and are able to enjoy Minecraft The Movie.

Further Attendance News 

Last week, six out of our nine classes secured our weekly breakfast reward.  A huge well done goes to Puffins, Eagles, Doves, Kingfishers, Magpies & Owls classes who will all receive their sweet treat breakfast this Friday morning. 

In addition, there were also three classes which achieved over 98% attendance for the week and will be rewarded with a non-uniform day.  Puffins, Eagles & Kingfishers classes are invited to attend school on Friday 31st January wearing casual clothing.  No uniform is required.  

This is a great start to the spring term and, as always, we'd like to take this opportunity to thank our families for their continued support.