Robins & Puffins - Attendance Reward Winners
Our Robins and Puffins classes were our superstar attenders last week. Both classes achieved 97% or higher for their attendance by Thursday morning's registration. As a reward for their achievements, both classes will receive our breakfast reward, this Friday morning of lovely warm waffles and hash browns.
Unfortunately, the Robins class didn't quite hit the 98% that they needed to secure a non-uniform day.
The Puffins class went on to secure over 98% for their weekly attendance and have won our weekly non-uniform day. Puffins are invited to attend school this Thursday, 5th December, wearing casual clothing. No uniform is required.
This week marks the final week of our Moana 2 Cinema Incentive. We are very aware, due to the high levels of seasonal illness within the school community over the past few weeks, that lots of our pupils who normally have fantastic attendance, have unfortunately missed out this time, due to illness. However, all is not lost, we will be offering two further Majestic Cinema trips during the spring and summer terms. This gives every pupil 3 chances during an academic year of winning their seat on one of our cinema trips.
Keep up the good work everyone and let's hope we soon see an end to all the illness that is currently within our school community.