Attendance news for the end of the 2023–2024 academic year.
We are pleased to give a final round-up of all the attendance news for the end of the 2023–2024 academic year.
Last week our Eagles class successfully achieved 100% attendance for the entire week. They have been rewarded with a non-uniform day and a class film afternoon. On Thursday, this week, 11th July, all the children in Eagles are invited to attend school wearing casual clothing. No uniform is required. They can also bring in a small packet of sweets/snacks from home to enjoy during the afternoon whilst they watch a film in their classroom with their classmates. Well done Eagles, what a great way to end this academic year!
We also had four classes achieve our weekly breakfast award. They were :- Eagles, Penguins, Kingfishers & Owls. These four classes will receive their tasty sweet treat breakfast this Friday morning.
We have two leader boards in our assembly hall. One is for our academic year and the other is for each term.
We are pleased to announce that the winners in first position on both leader boards are our KINGFISHERS class. This is quite an achievement, and one the children should all be very proud of.
Kingfishers have been rewarded with a class trip to the Majestic Cinema on the morning of Monday 15th July to see the newly released Despicable Me 4. We hope they all have a fantastic time and enjoy the film.
We still have our end of term attendance rewards assembly, which will take place during the morning of Thursday 18th July. All children who have received 97–99.9% during the summer term will be awarded with a silver attendance certificate and all those children who have achieved 100% for the summer term, will receive our gold attendance certificate and also be entered into our attendance prize draw to win a selection of fantastic prizes.
And, in final news, we have approximately 40 pupils who have achieved 100% attendance for this entire academic year, which is amazing, and the highest number of pupils that have ever achieved this. During the afternoon of Thursday 18th July, these children will be joining Mrs Hothersall and other staff to visit Waterstones bookshop in town, where they will be able to select a book of their choice. They will also enjoy an ice-cream/lolly with Mrs Hothersall.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our pupils and their parents for all their hard work and support with regard to attendance throughout this academic year. We are very pleased to share that during the new academic year we will continue the Majestic Cinema pupil specific attendance incentives. Each child will have three opportunities throughout the year to see a newly released film at the lovely refurbished Majestic Cinema if they achieve 100% attendance during the designated times. All the children have thoroughly enjoyed their visits during this year, and we would like to thank Rob and all his team at the Majestic Cinema for always making us feel very welcome and look forward to working with them again in September.