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Well done to Robins, Doves & Kingfishers who have won our breakfast award and Robins class who have won a non-uniform award. 

During the week commencing 30th January, Robins won two attendance rewards - a tasty breakfast and a non-uniform day.  Doves and Kingfishers classes also achieved the attendance breakfast reward.  The three classes will receive their breakfast this Friday morning - either pancakes or waffles. 

Robins are invited to attend school on Thursday 9th February wearing casual clothes for their non-uniform reward.  Well done to all three classes. 

Our Holkham Hall Attendance Competition is now in full swing and the current positions of the classes are as follows:-

  1. Robins
  2. Doves
  3. Kingfishers
  4. Canaries
  5. Magpies
  6. Eagles
  7. Owls
  8. Puffins
  9. Penguins

Keep up the good work everyone and remember you have to be in to win!