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Spring has truly sprung this week, and Eagles' class are enjoying the better weather! Please can you send your child in every day with a sun hat and water bottle, especially as these warmer days (hopefully) continue.

This week we have been learning:

Literacy: we are writing our sequel to the 'Magic Finger'. The children have used their imaginations wonderfully, and we have had families turned into birds, deer and even wild rabbits!

Maths: we are learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Please help your child to recognise these shapes in and around your home.

Science: we continued our learning about materials and matter.

Art: we are using wool to add features to our mural. This week has involved weaving, creating twisted cords and making pom-poms. All of these are new skills and have been challenging!

Times tables: all of the children have impressed us this week by improving their scores. Please continue to help your child practise.

Best wishes

Eagles class team.