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Well done to the above pupils who were awarded certificates for handwriting, Tackling Tables and for being Star of the Week.

Throughout this week, we have been learning about decimal numbers, fractions and percentages. 

In literacy, we choose words and phrases that capture our interest from the story, 'How Ram defeated the Demon King Ravan. We used dictionaries to look up the meaning of words that were unfamiliar to us.

We are now at the testing and designing stage of our roller-coaster unit for design and technology. We start construction next week!

Congratulations to the children above who are holding their certificates for being free readers!

Well done to the two children above, who received Headteacher awards this week.

As part of British Science Week, we planned and carried out an investigation into aquadynamics. We took on the role of marine engineers and looked into the effects that different shapes had on buoyancy.