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Eagles class had an exciting visit this week from HSBC bank. Danielle and Willow came to teach us all about money - we really enjoyed the lesson and looking at the huge debit card! A huge thank you to HSBC team for their fantastic support.

In other news, this week we have been learning:

Maths: all about money!

Literacy: we have finished our instruction writing. After half term we are learning about Rapunzel.

History: we have finished our learning about the Tudors.

Science: we have finished learning about electricity, next half term we will be learning about plants.

R.E: We have finished learning about beginnings and endings. We enjoyed planning an end of year celebration this week.

Art: we finished our learning about portraits. After half term we will be learning Design Technology, looking at dips and dippers.


We also welcomed Mrs Bate, a student teacher who is joining Eagles class until Easter.

Have a wonderful, restful half term, and please remember to read every day!

Eagles Class Team.