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Penguins have loved their Roman day!

This week in maths, Penguins have been learning about how to multiply and divide by multiples of 10 and 100.

In Power of Reading, they have been using their previous work on adjectives and personification to write a piece of descriptive writing about John Chapman's cottage.

In RE this week they have been learning about Muslim pilgrimage. 

In art, they have been carrying on with their art project based on depth.

In history, they have been writing a factual piece about Julius Caesar. They really enjoyed the story of how he was kidnapped by pirates and how he got his revenge. On Friday, Penguins were lucky enough to have a whole day dedicated to learning more about Romans with some workshops in the assembly hall.  They took part in a quiz, looked at ancient artefacts and listened to Roman stories. Some also got to pretend to be gladiators and had a fight. The Emperor decided if the loser would be given mercy or killed!