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Our Mondrian paintings.

Welcome back. Puffins have been doing some super learning this half-term.


We have begun to learn our digraphs. Puffins have been learning all the different ways to spell the sound 'ae'.


We have been using the book 'The Jolly Postman' to base our learning around. The children have written a letter to Goldilocks, designed an advert for the Wicked Witch and written a postcard to Jack from the Giant. 


Puffins have begun this term by revisiting their number knowledge to 10. We are now exploring numbers to 20. We are finding the missing numbers on a number track and finding one more and one less.


This half-term we are exploring colour. We used primary colours to create our own paintings in the style of Piet Mondrian. We have also decorated sunflowers by making the secondary colour of orange by mixing red and yellow. We are now exploring tinting and shading colours by adding black and white.


Puffins have been finding out all about the human body and the senses. They have explored the different parts of the eye and investigated how we hear sound. 


We have been learning about the differences between the past and the present. We created our own family trees and learnt about Mary Seacole by using historical sources.

Things to remember:

Homework: Read to an adult every night.

Tuesday: PE and Library

Wednesday: Outdoor Learning.