Outdoor Learning - Ice explorers.
Eagles and Puffins had a great time exploring and investigating in the frosty, icy conditions.
We even found some natural kaleidoscopes and tried to freeze our own ice.
Eagles and Puffins had a great time exploring and investigating in the frosty, icy conditions.
We even found some natural kaleidoscopes and tried to freeze our own ice.
Eagles have been working on their natural weaving skills in line with their inside art lessons. We spent some time in the sun talking about suitable materials and learning how to weave. The weaving looked really pretty and we had the opportunity to continue it at playtime. Of course, we also spent some time investigating the different insects that appeared in the sunshine.
Hoooooray!! The sun definitely had his hat on for outdoor learning this week.
Doves have been investigating plants and their different parts. We spent some time looking at the different plants growing in the outdoor classroom. We then built our own plants with loose parts and labelled them.
Eagles made their own microscope, following their recent science lessons on materials and matter. They really did work and the children were delighted with their findings. They then used their literacy skills to write some instructions on how they made the microscopes.
Penguins have been investigating states of matter. We drew scientific tables to record our learning in chalk.
Puffins have been continuing with their weaving wall using lots of different colour threads as well as beginning to weave in different objects like buttons.
Year One have been brainstorming new ideas for their outdoor area. All the children have put forward some brilliant ideas.
We have started to make a weaving wall, planted sunflowers, peas and potatoes as well as some broad beans. Miss Snow has found some large cable reels to make a 'small world' table with.
Year 4 have finished their ecology project on wildlife corridors and have moved onto their new science curriculum - States of Matter. We explored gas, liquids and solids and got a bit wet.
Year 2 have been investigating materials outside for Science, looking at what different things are and categorising them. We also went on a postponed trip to the walks to investigate plants and flowers.
Doves braved the rain to conduct some Rock experiments. We used lots of different rock types and tested them for durability. We also learnt that sandpaper is not very good at withstanding the rain! But we looked super in our red ponchos!
Then we had a quick splash in the puddles.
Magic and Mayhem with Eagles.
Making magic potions as part of our Literacy learning. As well as a sneaky little measurement maths lesson.
Eagles have been linking their Outdoor Learning to their Science topic for the term - PLANTS.
We spent lots of time investigating all kind of plants. We used Bud Identifier sheets to name different trees, we found lots of sprouting bulbs and germinating seeds.
We also found some ladybirds hibernating!
Puffins have been working on their scientific enquiry skills. We have been investigating signs of seasonal change. We have been thinking about our environment and went on a litter pick. We talked alot about the importance of putting our rubbish in the bin, and the danger litter can cause to wildlife. And we had a go at worm charming!
Doves creating their names and facts about themselves using Egyptian Hieroglyphics. They wrote their names and then designed them using natural resources and loose parts.
Kingfishers had a turn at building Aquaducts in their first Outdoor Learning session. This followed their History topic of the Ancient Egyptians. They had an amazing time working together to build a successful watering system.
Penguins have continued to work on their Ecology Project. They have been investigating the habitats around school, comparing areas and the difference in visible wildlife. We have also made our own seed bombs and scattered them on the field to help encourage more insect life to help our biodiversity.
Eagles were learning about fire safety and how to build successful campfires. We found our own dry wood, kindling and grasses. This links to our Literacy 'Ossiri and the Bala Mengro'. Later in the term we will be cooking some traditional traveller foods on the firepit.